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Spring 2020

I hope everyone is holding up okay and taking care of yourselves. This has been a rough start to a year and decade. I just wanted to write a quick note to encourage self care and awareness during these trying times for our little planet of humans. The clinic will continue to be open normal hours unless otherwise posted here or on the website. If you are sick please don’t risk infecting others at the clinic. I do carry Chinese herbs that can be helpful with immunity, but I am not set up to handle infectious diseases so please go to the hospital if already sick. Hopefully, we will be getting back to normal not too far down the road. In the meantime, take care of yourself! Stay hydrated, get some sunlight when able, eat healthy, rest, and try to replace worries with positive visions of health and healing. Additionally, there is one date the clinic will be closed this spring: Saturday, May 23rd will be closed (Triathlon).
Love, Light and Health to all!