What is Community Acupuncture?
POCA (People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture) defines it as the practice of offering acupuncture:
1) in a group setting where multiple patients receive treatments at the same time;
2) by financially sustainable and accountable means, whereby community acupuncture clinics depend directly on the support of the people who receive acupuncture in them, rather than on grants, donations, or other funding;
3) within a context of accessibility created by consistent hours, frequent treatments, affordable services, and lowering all the barriers to treatment that we possibly can, for as many people as possible, while continuing to be financially self-sustaining; and,
4) with a commitment to social justice in health care.
The practice of community acupuncture is a grassroots movement intended to greatly increase access to acupuncture and widen its use in our increasingly complex health care system. In China, the community model is the traditional way of practicing acupuncture, so we are helping to bring this community feel to the West and people are loving it.
What is Acupuncture all About?
People often think of acupuncture as being effective for complex, difficult, or uncommon problems that Western medicine has limited success with. Unfortunately, this contributes to the perception of acupuncture as a medicine of last resort or that acupuncture is somehow miraculous in its effects. Sometimes this does appear to be the case, but the truth is that acupuncture is miraculous only in so much as the human body is self-healing. Once balance is allowed to be restored and invasive therapies reduced, the body performs its own miracles.
Acupuncture is fairly straight forward and well suited for all manner of ordinary problems; and notably, it is helpful in some important general ways that can benefit just about everyone.
Acupuncture has an overall effect of reducing stress and boosting normal function, so things like sleep, digestion, energy level, and mental clarity all tend to improve with regular treatments. You also don’t have to have a specific problem, per se, to get acupuncture; it’s a great form of preventative care. Most people fall asleep when they get acupuncture and awaken rejuvenated and refreshed.
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